A downloadable game for Windows

The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible by sorting through different characters that are given to you that are colored red, green, and white.

Green characters you can always let pass.

Red characters must always go in the trash.

White characters you must inspect further so they can pass.

Inspecting a white character will bring up a short mini game you must pass in order for it to become green, otherwise it becomes red.

Currently there are 7 different mini games that can appear!

Mouse to move some of the minigames.

Left mouse button to inspect characters and used in mini games.

Right mouse button to send characters to the trash.

F to toggle fullscreen.


Programming: Jonothan Sigmon

Art: Jonothan Sigmon

Music is from some humble bundle package we got a while back


if(red)terminate.zip 7 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract the .zip file.

Run the .exe

Have fun!

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